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The 11 best fruit bowls for summer 2023

May 30, 2023May 30, 2023

Roll up, roll up: a diet high in fruit (along with vegetables and whole grains) could be as good for the heart as walking 4,000 extra steps a day, according to a new study by the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

It's good news for the deskbound, who might be persuaded to swap a custard cream for a freshly quartered orange to combat a mid-afternoon slump.

In addition, a photogenic fruit bowl is a (completely unscientifically proven) must. The old masters might have been on to something when they turned their artistic gaze to fresh produce. From vibrant lemons to zesty limes, this humble receptacle is much more than a storage solution — it's a canvas for any tablescaping enthusiast.

A bowl should be wide,