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Southern PA Clay offers classes, studio, retail shop

Oct 02, 2023Oct 02, 2023

A mug is often seen as a simple device, but the care in creating the handled vessel tells the story behind the maker, according to Corey Shultz, owner of Southern PA Clay.

"The mug is almost like the resumé of a potter," Shultz said. "Mugs are important items. They are one of the few things you touch to your face every day."

Southern PA Clay features an art studio, classroom, and retail shop at 102 Chambersburg St., Gettysburg, which opened with classes in May, Shultz said.

With five sizes and eight styles, mugs are the most requested item in Shultz's retail shop, he said.

Shultz, a potter and figure sculptor, has a 425-item catalogue he's working on for homes, gardens, kitchens, and more. These items range from trinket trays to cups and bowls including customizable options with 95 percent of them falling in the $10 to $100 price range, he said.

"My entire goal of making items for others is about making it accessible to everyone," Shultz said. "I personally keep the prices low because I want people to have it."

Shultz's classes follow the same philosophy.

A one-time class for youth that comes with instruction and two pieces starts at $30, while a one-time class for adults starts at $35, he said.

The youth ceramics and pottery classes are separated into three age groups: 5 to 9 years old; 10 to 13 years old; and 14 to 17 years old.

Passionate about artwork for everyone, Shultz is a firm believer of "education for everyone."

Since opening last month, Shultz said he has taught about 30 classes.

"They were fabulous," Shultz said. "People are so surprised at how possible it is with the right instruction."

After his first teaching experience in 2009, Shultz knew he wanted to be a clay instructor for a living, he said.

"I personally struggled horrendously with clay work in the beginning," he said. "I don't know if I ever had a student struggle as bad as I did in the beginning."

Within months of teaching his first classes, Shultz was able to share his experiences and connect with students.

His "most fruitful experience" was at The Lexington Senior Citizen Center, located in Lexington, Kentucky, where he founded the visual art program in 2016.

In a little less than two-and-a-half years, Shultz grew the program to about 450 students and 16 classes per week.

Working with an older population, Shultz adapted his lessons to help those who had minimal hand strength.

"I changed the way I approached teaching to encompass folks with certain limitations," he said. "I changed the way I taught throwing on the wheel so that more people could do it."

In the fall, Shultz plans to offer studio space for a monthly fee to people with experience in clay who need a place to create. The open studio would be provided when classes are not scheduled, he said.

Shultz also offers private and individual lessons, he said.

"I not only teach classes to beginners, but I train ceramic artists and potters," he said. "I train them how to teach and how to become professional potters."

The business is open Tuesday to Friday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Monday by appointment only.

For more information or to sign up for classes, visit The retail catalogue is still in the works on the website, so any questions can be directed to Shultz at [email protected] or 301-606-2436.

Readers may contact Vanessa Sanders at [email protected].

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